Monday, September 27, 2010

Big News!

We have big news in our family!! We are expecting family member #4 around May 12, 2011.

We are excited and most excited is the big "sissie!"

She is going to be a wonderful big sister!

Please pray for me and the baby along this journey!

It looks like I will have to update the title of my blog, too ;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 years already? What!

Me and LeAnn - a friend since 9th grade

a group pic - sorry its a lil dark :(

me and the hubby!

me and Erica - we met the first day of 9th grade and are still good friends today. We even go to church together and I teach her lil girl in my Sunday School class.

Entrance table - I found lots of my memorabilia and I brought everything I could find. BJ torments me about saving things, but I proved to him, it does come in handy sometimes.

I have more, but this crazy photo uploader thing on blogger is not working right so hopefully I will get to add those later. Nevertheless, it was a great night and so much fun catching up with friends.

Me and Rodney - a friend since 9th grade.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

No excuses...

Yep, it's been eternity since i posted..but I'm making no excuses this time, I'm just going to go right to blogging.

First up, is a Lily update. She thinks she's grown! She is such fun! We have had a great summer!

Most of this is for my own records, so just ignore some of it, but we went to her first movie in a theater - Toy Story 3 back in June and she loved it! She's all about Toy Story these days!

Jessie is her favorite!

She's also all about pageants. I finally gave up and ordered her a dress, and we are planning her "big girl" pageant debut, maybe in September.

She loves to play pageant and I have to "Present" her to the group. When asking her, her favorites, she reported the following:

Favorite Food: Tacos

TV Show: Toddlers and Tiaras

Movie: Shrek

Animal: Elephant

What she wants to be when she grows up: A woman so she can shop, Haha!

Her new favorite "pretend" game is to shop in her room. She gets her cash register and we have to shop and she "rings" her up. Too fun!

I love the whole pretend stage and never stop her from pretending. It's so hard to think she's going to be 4 in November, but time is something I can't stop so I just enjoy every day.

Here are a few pics from our beach trip in early July.

I'm excited about my next post. - I went to my 10 year High School reunion last week and I can't wait to post pics!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm back..

I am alive! Things are finally starting to slow down for us. I realized that it will be one month tomorrow that I last posted so I better catch up quickly.

We have been staying busy, but not a whole lot of excitement. April really went by so quick. I looked up yesterday and thought to myself, "Wow! When did May get here?"

We have been mostly enjoying Springtime with Lily. She is so grown-up these days. I have blocked the thought of her turning four in November out of my head. She continues to amaze us with her "smarts" and she really says the funniest things.

I got a new pocket camcorder as a complete surprise from BJ, so I am hoping to start posting videos for you to watch!

We went to "Disney on Ice" on April 24 in Pensacola and it was wonderful. I was almost as excited as Lily and we had a great time. Lily absolutely loved seeing the characters and see we leave for Disney World in about 18 days (wow!) so it got us really excited about our upcoming trip!

While in Pensacola, we stopped by the beach even though it was overcast, rainy, and kind of cool, we couldn't pass up the chance to walk on the beach. Lily didn't want to leave :( bad weather and all...

Here are a few pics from our 30 minute trip by the beach. Enjoy :) and hopefully I can get back on track blogging..

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a great, great Easter 2010! It was busy but we had the best time!

We started off by getting Lily's pictures made by a friend of mine with live bunnies! Lily fell in love with the bunnies and wanted to keep one, but we decided her kittens may not like them.

Here are a few of the pictures. (I did something crazy with Photobucket, so click on each pic to see them larger.) They turned out great. I cannot wait to put them all over our house.


Next up, we had our annual egg hunt at our house with all of Lily's friends. We had around 15 kids and lots of parents. It was so much fun! Here are a few pics:



We had our Easter party at church this past Saturday! It rained that morning and was yucky outside so we hunted eggs in our church's empty parsonage. It was different hunting eggs inside but the kids didn't seem to mind. That evening, we did Easter with my parents. The Easter bunny came by their house and left Lily's Easter basket (one of them.) Then we hunted and dyed eggs at their house.


Photobucket Photobucket

On Easter Sunday, the bunny came to our house bright and early with Lily's basket. Lily got two new movies, a Hannah Montana towel, and lots of candy and goodies. We went to sunrise services at church at 7 am and we were done there by 9:15 so we took some pictures and headed to BJ's parents for lunch and egg hunting with his family. His sisters, parents, uncles, and grandpa were all there and we had a great lunch.

We came home and got a much needed nap, and our Easter was over. I love Easter and so thankful for Jesus who died for us. The most important part is that He is Risen and he done that for all of us who are so undeserving.

I hope your holiday was as special as ours.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What an imagination! and Hannah Montana, too!

What an imagination Lily has! She loves, loves, loves to pretend!

She has a "make-believe" sister lately. She calls her on her pretend cell phone and they talk.. They even play together. Lily told me that this sister is older and her name is Sonya. She's so funny...

Lily loves to pretend objects are babies. The other night she carried a gatorade around in Lowe's as her baby in her arms while she fed it a cardboard strip (its bottle.) She refused to answer to Lily because her name was mama. So here I am, calling Lily, mama while she feeds her gatorade a piece of cardboard..Too funny!

Lily also loves role-play. She loves for me to pretend I am the baby and she is the mama. She does a great job of it, too. I think it's interesting because I see Lily's perception of how she views me in a way. One day, we were playing and she was the mama, I the baby, and she left me at daycare and she said "mama has to go to work, cause I have to buy you things and take care of you." I'm just glad she understands why I work. It made me feel better. She also loves to be "Hannah Montana" and her daddy and I have to be other "Hannah" characters.

Speaking of Hannah, I don't think I have mentioned Lily's love of Hannah Montana or well, obsession. I have never been pro-Hannah because I didn't really love Miley Cyrus, but Lily got the movie from her nanny for Christmas and she is hooked. After watching the movies, and season 1 (we purchased it after watching the movie one too many times..), I've learned the shows aren't bad at all. Lily loves to sing and she loves how Miley puts on that wig and dresses up and becomes Hannah. She is so fascinated with her. She tells everyone that's her "Hannah Montana" and no one elses. Before Hannah, Lily was not really into tv, but she will sit down and watch tv now and she understand what happens on shows or movies. I am really amazed how smart she is and how grown up she is! Since turning 3, she really is growing into a little girl and it makes me sad, but also happy what a wonderful little girl we have!

This post has really turned into a miscellaneous post, but I cannot not mention what we are so excited about! We are going to Disney World in May and we are so excited! It's a business trip for BJ but we are going early and spending two days at the Magic Kingdom. It's going to be so much fun!

I guess that's all for now! We are excited about this weekend and our annual egg hunt! Easter is a special holiday and one of my favorites! I look forward to posting lots of egg hunt pictures!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Glimpse of Springtime!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We have had Lily's kittens since a bit longer than the other (we had to do a quick replacement with the black one after a fatal accident.)

Until a couple of weeks ago, Lily's "kits" as she calls them, they ran from her and did not like her at all...but now, her "kits" have turned over a new leaf.

"Gray-baby" and "Blacky" have fell in love with their "mama," especially "Gray-baby."

Lily would always chase them and they would run and hide from her. She would get so upset because she couldn't catch them, but now, things have changed and she is loving it.

They let her carry them around now and she doesn't have to chase them. She has even loaded "Gray" in her baby stroller and rolled her around. Gray also loves to snuggle with her on the couch and her bean bag. Neither kitten stays inside but we let them inside for a little while every evening when we get home so Lily can play with them since its usually dark and chilly outside.

I am so not a cat person, but I am loving that they love Lily because she is completely in love with them. I just pray that they stay safe and healthy so she can have a long friendship with her "kits."

Seems I am always apologizing for not posting on here, but wow! what a February, it was and March has started out busy too. Between being short at work (Shannon had a beautiful baby girl and will be back in a couple of months), Relay for Life, 10 year class reunion, Junior Auxiliary and not too mention a busy 3 year old with a dance recital coming up, and all of her activities, and wanting to just have family time at night... unfortunately my blog has been suffering..but maybe not for long.
I promise to do better..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day

We have snow! Lots of snow! More than I can barely remember us ever getting in southern Mississippi and we are more than loving it. As long as we have power, it's lots of fun to play and Lily has been having the best time..making snowmen, having snowball fights and just rolling in the snow...I'm sure we will be ready for it to move on in a couple of days but for now, it's nice and we are loving it...

Click on the pics to make bigger
