Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just waiting for the weekend...a calm week

I had a fairly boring day yesterday with not a whole lot to write about, so I decided to save it for today.

Good news is that the last two mornings have been much better with Lily. We have had to distract her some from crying but it has been nothing like Tuesday. It makes me feel so much better when she is glad for me to go in the mornings, lol..

We have so much fun with Lily at night when we are home. She is so silly! I think she would live outside if we would let her. We always take her outside when we first get home and let her see "my puppies" as she calls them. Yesterday, we had to drag her inside for supper. After supper, I worked on straightening her closet and getting a lot of her winter clothes packed up as she played in her room with me and destroyed it. Later, we took a break and watched Elmo. She is so obsessed with Elmo. She doesn't usually watch a lot of tv at night when we are home, but she did manage to watch about 15 minutes while dancing and running around. She watches most of her Elmo movies while we are in the car. My mom and dad got her a portable DVD for Christmas and it's a lifesaver. Lily doesn't really like riding even though I am a permanent fixture in the back seat with her since she was born whenever BJ is driving. I am surprised though how the Elmo and Sesame Street movies have taught her things. She can sing "ABCD" with the Alphabet song and she claps with several others and tries to do the things that the kids are doing in the movies.

Back to last night, in between the Elmo movie, BJ was in the kitchen watching the Results Show of American Idol. We have tried to keep up with it this season not watching every show but most, so he was telling me what was happening. I do not have much time for tv, especially new movies which we have probably only watched a total of 3 new releases since Lily was born, so we try to find at least one show to stay involved in.

At 9 pm, BJ and Lily were in the kitchen eating snacks and having a jolly ol' time, lol...we finally got her to bed around 10. She always went to bed at 8:30 - 9:00 pm until Daylight Savings time.

She had a really restless night and didn't sleep well at all. I don't like those nights..especially since she sleeps in the middle of us.

Today at work has been calm, just waiting on 5, as always..we went to a new shoe store here. It has been open for a couple of weeks, and BJ found a nice pair of shoes and they were having a buy one, get second half off sale, so I got my white pair of sandals really cheap! I wanted to buy Lily some, but they didn't have a whole big selection of her size 5 right now.

Anyways, I get so carried with this blog. I could type forever!

Have a good afternoon!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A rough morning..A Working Mom's Saddest Moments

Well, this morning was a rough one to say the least! Of all of the mornings that I have left Lily for me to go to work, every now and then, she is a little sad and maybe a little clingy, but especially not at my mom and dad's.

Yesterday, she cried when I gave her to my mom to leave, but I took her back and went to some toys that she loves, sat her down, and she was fine. This morning was a different story. She cried when I gave her to my mom, so I got her back. She practically glued herself to me, and would not let go. I tried the toys but it did not work today. Her daddy came and got her from me, but she still cried..I finally just had to leave my mom's house, crying too of course! My mom called us on the way to work and said that Lily was fine a few seconds later, but I am still not fine.

I was off work with Lily for the first 10 weeks of her life, and I dreaded returning to work and I think I cried the first week or possibly month that I left her. I still cry now when I think about it. There is not a morning that goes by that I am not sad to leave her. I have thought of every way possible for me not to work..and Bj and I decided that it was possible, but we would have to survive on half of the things that we have now and maybe make it through the month.

I've always known that Lily was being taken care of. My mom and dad have her on Monday and Tuesday. She goes to a daycare near our house the rest of the week. Her Nanna Barbara takes really good care of her, too and Lily loves her friends there. She is very outgoing and great with other kids as a result of being there. My mom and dad spoil her on their days, so I always try to tell myself that she is getting the best of both worlds, but on days like today, there is no convincing that we will ever help me leave my precious princess behind.

I have made the decision to work for Lily. I want her to be able to have nice things, a nice house, and be able to do the extra things that we couldn't afford if I didn't work. I never want her to do without. This is also why when I am at home with Lily at night. I spend every minute with her! We play, we dance, we make a mess, and do whatever we want. She has never been away from me over night and she nevers leaves my side on the weekend.

It's just moments like this morning that make me really sad and make me rethink my whole working situation. If you are a stay at home mom, please don't take it for granted because you do not know how many moms would like to be where you are today!

I will make it past today and hope that tomorrow is better, but it never gets easier.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend..Wow! I'm tired!

I am posting two new blogs today, my introduction blog, and this one. I couldn't leave out details of our Easter Weekend.

Our weekend started off really good! On Saturday morning, we took Lily to an Easter Party/ Egg Hunt at our church. Lily had so much fun! We have a small church and usually not many kids, but we had a great turnout Saturday. There were around ten tots under 3, so Lily had the best time playing the games with them. Below is a pic of Lily and some of the kids from the party..

That's Lily 2nd to last on the right. She was the youngest but didn't have any problems fitting in.

(Her outfit was sewed by a friend of mine. Isn't it cute?)

They played all kinds of games and had two egg hunts.

Here is a picture of Lily finding an egg.

She found most of the eggs on her own, and takes Egg Hunting so serious. She loves it though. After the party, we went by my mom and dad's house (Maw-Maw & Pop to Lily). They had a huge basket of goodies for Lily not too mention 6 new outfits, tons of new socks, and lots of snacks! They spoil Lily way too much, but I can't complain.

We then went to a neighbor's house to do some bargain shopping. She and one of my "myspace" friends are having a garage sale in a couple of weeks, but she was willing to let me come shop ahead of time. She has two little girls and happened to have tons of 18 & 24 month dresses just right for Lily. She had great smocked dresses for $10 and $ 5 each. I ended getting Lily 5 dresses and one bubble outfit! I will have to add pics! They are great and such great deals! I was so excited!

We dyed our eggs Saturday night and had Lily strategically placed in her booster seat on the bar away from the egg dye. when she decided to stretch her leg as far as it would go and knock the orange dye all over our freshly beautifully dyed eggs..nevertheless, despite the orange glow, the eggs turned out cute!

Sunday morning, we woke up way tooo early for Sunrise Service at church. We let Lily sleep until 6:15 when we finally convinced up to wake up by showing her what the Easter bunny had left her! She got a basket filled with goodies and a pink bubble-blowing lawn mower!

Notice Lily's wild hair..her daddy dressed her before she woke up, so all we had to do was fix her hair once she woke up!

We then jetted to church and when church was over, attempted pics at my mom and dad's house..un successful mission however, it was quite cool and Lily was even more sleepy! She fell asleep on the way to BJ's family's Easter lunch gathering so she managed to sneak in a good nap!

We had a great lunch with lots of good food! Everything from grilled chicken & hamburgers to hashbrown casserole and homemade macaroni...As usual, I ate way too much! We spent most of the day at BJ's uncle where lunch was held. Lily hunted eggs with her cousins, Hunter, Erin, and Amber and was so sleepy!

We went home and she took a 20 minute nap, which is never a good thing for Lily! I think she must have felt bad all evening because she was so fussy and wouldn't eat much at all. She has had a runny nose and small cough, so I just hope it's getting worse. She finally fell asleep at 7 which is way earlier than normal, but she woke up at 10, and it was 12 something before we finally convinced her to settle was a rough night, which is rare unless she feels better!

All in all, we had a fun weekend, very busy one, and tonight I hope we can catch up and rest from the excitement!

Here are a few more pics from the weekend:

Lily's painted toenails! I put her in her booster seat on the bar to paint them that way she couldn't touch them until they were dry! She loved them!!

Lily with her daddy and her Pops..I think this was a sweet pic!

I loved Lily's outfit that I got at Dillard on sale back in January,
so I had to put a pic of her with it on. It has a cute top with buttons
but her sweater was covering those up.

Who I Am

Before I completely introduce you to my world, I felt like I needed to introduce myself first.

I am 25 years old. I have lived in the same county of Mississippi my whole life. I grew up in the same town in Mississippi. I have two wonderful, very loving parents and one younger brother. I met my husband, BJ in 2000. We both worked at the same place after school and for me, it was love from the beginning. We were the best of friends and dated on and off until 2003 when he finally realized we were meant to be, lol...he's going to kill me for saying that..We were married July 17, 2004 and bought a house in the same town different neighborhood and still live there today with our two dogs, Gracie Lou and Termite. We look working outside in our yard and love doing home improvements.

We both now still work for the same company, a different one now from where we met, but he tells everyone that I followed him here. It actually just worked out this way! At least, we get to save on gas!

Education wise, I finished junior college and was undecided on what the future held and really so tired of school that I went full time here at the bank where I have worked for 6 years. I have been everything from a teller, loan clerk, and now have finally landed in Marketing. I am not sure what the future holds for me, but try to make the best of every day..

The greatest joy in our lives arrived in 2006. We found out we were expecting a baby in April 2006 and we were so excited!! Our precious daughter, Lily was born November 28, 2006 and has been the love of both of our lives ever since...She is such a gift! She is growing so fast and learning so many new things, and we are enjoying every minute with her. I still have not convinced BJ to let me spend every day all day with her, but she is in good hands while I am at work.

Lily keeps us really busy and we spend all of our free time with her. I usually do housework and my hobbies after she goes to bed.

We attend a southern Baptist church and I teach 3-5 yr. old Sunday School there, which keeps me on my toes..I am also soon to be the President of the Junior Auxiliary which is a non-profit organization that helps the children of our county in May, so my life will only get busier.

All in all, I have a wonderful husband and precious daughter and wouldn't trade with anyone in the world!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Weekend

We celebrate Easter this weekend - Lily's 2nd Easter! Wow! How time has flown by! Last year was so cold and Lily had an eye infection, so I am excited about this beautiful warm weekend!

Lily is so funny with the eggs. She calls them "balls" and is exceptionally good at finding them. I was really surprised at how good she understands the concept.

We have a fun weekend planned. Starting with an egg hunt at church tomorrow...we will visit with my family tomorrow afternoon then attend our church for Sunrise service Sunday morning (7 am, way too early!!) I'm sure that the Easter bunny will leave Lily something special on Sunday morning, too. Then after pictures at my parent's house, it's on to my in-laws for lunch and lots of egg hunting.

I'm will soon learn that I am a picture taking fanatic..I have to get tons more added on here...but this will be a great weekend for lots of pictures.

It's time for me to part work in about 5 minutes. I don't touch the computer much when I finally make it home to everyone have a great Easter weekend!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day Two

So it's day two of blogging..I'm working on a future blog to introduce myself. I have to snap some recent pics of myself and my house, and that kinds of stuff, so hopefully by this weekend, I should have something so you will know who I am.

Today has been a really boring day at work. BJ (my husband) and I went to Wendy's for lunch, then grabbed some things at Wal-Mart. It was so busy in there..we forgot that Easter weekend is getting close and everyone is out shopping. I did find Lily some very cute hairbows :)

This afternoon has went by so slow, but it's nice to not be so busy at work. My dad works away a week at a time and Thursdays when he comes home, he and my mom usually come to our house for a visit once we get home, but my mom called and invited us for supper we are looking forward to that.

I am always so excited to see Lily every afternoon. Her smile is just so wonderful!

I hate to be so boring with my blogs, but I want to my "intro" blog before I confuse every too much, so I guess that's it for today!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's a Whole New World!

Well, I seem to have officially joined the world of blogging! I am not sure what to say, but I am sure that I will find something to write about! I never have had a problem before!

Today has been a really long day at work! I always thought that work lasted forever but never realized that it lasts double the length of time when I am waiting on time to go pick Lily up from the babysitter.

I am especially ready to check on her today because she wasn't feeling the best this morning, and I know I could call her "Nanna" and check in on her but I trust her to call me if Lily was feeling bad.

Well, at least there's only one hour left...I guess I should be planning supper, wait! We have's going to be a good night!