Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Been so busy...

I haven't disappeared from the world of blogging; however, things have just been so busy that I haven't had a chance to take time to write anything.

So anyways, things have finally almost slowed down...

Lily is suffering from a cold right now..possibly allergies. She is much better though than she was over the weekend. She has been miserable with a terrible runny nose. I did find her some cute things on a last minute shopping trip over the weekend.

To the left is a pic of Lily outside playing in her boots the morning after we got them. She couldn't wait to get outside even in her gown and price tag on the boots.

I am loving the weather here right now and wishing I could get outside more. We worked in our yard most of last weekend..updating flower beds and adding lots of new flowers. I am excited to watch everything grow and begin to bloom.

I have decided to try and make Lily some hair bows, since some of them can be so expensive. I have purchased supplies and since things have slowed down, I plan to try and work on being creative tonight. If things go well, I will post some pics..

Other than that, I have a convention in Birmingham this weekend for Junior Auxiliary, BJ and Lily are excited about swimming in the indoor pool and just relaxing.

I will try to post again later this week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The circus!

Well, the circus was a blast! Lily absolutely loved everything about it!

I was really worried because it was quite cool outside but we took blankets in and we were comfortable until right at the end.

Lily was in awe of the elephants when we first walked in! She just loved them and kept pointing and saying elephant. The show got started and she sat so still, just taking everything in..every so often, she would clap and dance some to the music..She loved to see all of the animals..they had a horse show, puppy show, and elephants at the end not to mention tons of other performances throughout the almost two and a half hours.

During intermission, elephant rides were offered. Lily and her daddy took a ride and she just loved it! AFter the elephant ride, we went back to our seats but LIly was so excited and not ready to sit down so she and her daddy walked around for a bit. The next thing i know, the girl sitting next to me, says to me to look that my husband and baby are getting their picture made with a boa constrictor. I actually thought I was going to pass out in fear as my husband held this huge snake with my precious baby in his hands..he probably didn't hold it for 10 seconds but it felt like forever..He's in big trouble!! The picture turned out really good and I dont really think that Lily realized what we was going on..

My favorite part of the circus was just holding Lily and watching her enjoy the circus. I understand now why my mom took us to everything when we were small. It's so much fun to just watch your child enjoy herself and have the best time! As a parent, you want to accomplish that and I just know Lily had the best time ever! After the circus was over, she kept saying elephant in the car and just smiling..She loved elephants before last night but loves them even more now!

Below is the picture with the snake..its scary to even look at for me!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lots of Shoes!! and a pink car, too!

We had a good weekend! We spent Saturday morning outside working in the yard and decided to go shopping that afternoon. I wanted to go to Geoffrey's for a slide for Lily that was on sale.

We got to Geoffrey's and the slide was too small for her and just an awkward shape so we didn't it; however, we did find some other items! They had winter shoes for Lily, clearanced with an additional 50% off the clearance price. We found 6 pairs of shoes for $3 and under. A couple of pairs of cute boots, black patton shoes, and cute everday shoes..I was so excited and so was Lily! We got some of them one size bigger and others that seemed to be small two sizes bigger. While we were checking out, we found the new love of Lily's life! Up front, there was several display wagons and cars that were clearanced, I took Lily over to this pink car to distract her while her daddy paid for the shoes. Well, she wouldn't get out! She has never been one to cry over a toy and be upset if she didn't get something. When I saw that she wouldn't get out of the car, I rolled her to the cashier, hoping that the car was on sale as it was in perfect condition for a display. It happened to be $20 off the original price..so Lily rolled to our car in her new pink ride! She was so upset when we finally got her out of it to load it into our car. She just cried and cried for her "car."

We did lots of other shopping and didn't get home until 10. She woke up when we got home and played in her car until 11 when she finally made her park her car for the evening. Below are pictures of Lily playing in her car.

We are taking Lily to the circus coming to town this afternoon so I am excited and will post lots of pics tomorrow!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Lots of Snuggling...

I know there is a rule that you are not supposed to let your babies sleep with you. I have to admit I have officially broken this rule!

Since Lily was about 4 months old, she started sleeping in the bed with us. I usually would end up feeding her and she would sleep on my stomach and we would both fall asleep like this for a while. I, then determined that she would sleep longer, almost all night, when in the middle of her daddy and I. For the first several weeks, I would wake up very often checking on her making sure that the blankets weren't over her and that she was ok.

After she started sleeping with us, I realized something that she and I have in common. She loves to snuggle! She always wanted to be right under me. Usually, I would end up with my arm under her holding her basically while we slept.

We still snuggle every night and I look forward to it! She has to be right next to me, and I mean right beside me and she loves it! I always have a hard time waking up in the mornings because I just love holding her. I am actually in no hurry to get her out of the bed..I know this will be difficult when she grows older. I know I slept with my mom especially when my dad was at work, and I eventually made it to my own bed, but for now, I just want to continue snuggling with Lily.

(On another subject, I am looking forward to the weekend so much! I am also excited because we are taking to the small circus in town on Monday and I am off work next Friday. I hope that it will be a good week!)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lily...growing up so fast!

We had a really calm weekend and enjoyed staying around the house. As I watched Lily this weekend, I realized how big she is getting. She has always been more mature than a lot of babies her age. She started walking at 10 months and has been talking for a while. Her vocabulary gets bigger and bigger every day. She loves books and looking at pictures, especially photo albums of our family. She loves to identify her "maw-maw", "pop", "uncle" ambi, shell, amy, nanny, pawpaw, and of course, "mommy" and "daddy"

She has also turned out to a girly girl. I guess I had a part to do with that, but she loves shoes. When she was an infant, she always kicked her shoes off and I was worried we would never get her to wear them, but now, she wants them on at all times. She also loves jewelry and loves to wear pretty clothes. When we put a new outfit on her, we show herself to her in the mirror and she usually responds with "awe-wee" lol..She also loves baby dolls and pretending that she is a little mommy to her babies. She tries to give them her "paci" and feed them her "snack"

On another subject, we decided to try and limit Lily's pacifier time. She is so very addicted to it, so with the help of her "Nanna Barbara" at daycare, Lily only has her "paci" at naptime and bedtime. She still asks for it every now and then, but we change the subject and she forgets about it. I wasn't quite ready to take it away from her, but I have to admit it has made life easier not having to look for one throughout the day when we have lost it. We keep them in a special place ready for naptime and bedtime.

This weekend, Lily started giving us signs of being ready to use the potty. This is something that we had no idea that she was ready for, which I am not ready to potty train my baby...she's too little, but to begin with, she has started telling us when she is using the potty in her diaper. Saturday night she took off her diaper, refused to put it back on, and we found her standing by the potty saying "Pee-Pee" She sat on the potty but immediately wanted off. She did the same thing Sunday night, so we purchased a pink Comfy Cushy Baby Potty yesterday. We now have it on stand-by for when she gets ready.

It's hard to even think about my baby wanting to use the potty! I know everyone says this, but it really does seem like she was just an infant, now she has herself convinced that she is a 3 year old instead of a 16 month old.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Finally the weekend...

I am so excited that today is Friday and even more excited that I get off of work in 20 minutes.

We had a small scare with my mother in law yesterday. She had been having bad chest pains and pains in her jaw during the night several nights in a row. She heard that jaw pains in women could be heart related, so my father in law made an appointment for her with a local cardiologist. He immediately scheduled her for a heart catherization the next day which was yesterday. She had 5 blockages - one 90% and the others only 20%. She was then sent immediately by ambulance to the hospital to have the blockage repaired with a stint. She came home today and is doing very well. She is now going to have a new diet, and has to quit smoking, which is a good thing. We have been trying to convince her to quit for a while, so we hope that she will. We are so glad that things were able to be repaired quickly because my father in law had his 2nd open heart surgery back in December and he is still recovering from it and has several other health issues. So that was yesterday. BJ, my husband, took the day off to go to the heart cath and I stayed at work because we were not aware she would be having surgery immediately so I worried him to death calling very often to check on her from my desk at work.

Last night, my parents came over for their usual every other week visit when my dad comes home from work. He works away for a week at a time, so he is always ready to see Lily when he gets home. Lily did not want her "mawmaw" and "pop" to leave when it got time for them to go.

On a completely different subject, Lily has not cried all week at the babysitter when I leave, so I have been happy or as happy as possible in the mornings.

For the weekend, we really don't have anything planned at all, but that should be a good thing. We usually end up staying way busy anyways...I think me and Lily may adventure to Wal-Mart tomorrow. It's always fun to go with just she and I.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I didn't realize that it has been so long since I posted. Things have been crazy busy, but are finally slowing down for me.

We had a really good weekend! Saturday afternoon, me and BJ along with Lily and her Maw-Maw (my mom) went out on the town. Lily got a nap on the way over and she was in a great mood for the zoo. Lily loves animals and is learning to recognize everything from a puppy to an elephant and monkey, so we thought since the weather was nice, we would take her. She was in awe at first and not sure what to think about seeing the animals. Halfway through, she got more excited and started pointing and jabbering, and it was so fun to watch her. We rode the train around the zoo and got out of there right before the rain started

Here are some pics:

She wouldn't look at us for the picture. She was too busy looking at the animals.

Looking at the peacock..after this picture, she took off running trying to catch it.

Loving the zebra

After the zoo, we went for lots of shopping and had a nice dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. Lily was in a great mood all day and we had the best time!

I spent the rest of the weekend until yesterday getting ready for Bridge and Bingo, which is a fundraiser that the Jr. Auxiliary does each year. We decorate our own tables each has a theme and we sell tickets for ladies of the community to come and enjoy a lunch of salads and dessert and afterwards they can enjoy either Bridge or Bingo. We had around 96 ladies to come. I am Vice-President this year, so my boss let me spend the entire day helping, so today, I am exhausted, but glad that it went well and is over!!