Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our family is sad, very, very sad...We love you, Gracie!

On Sunday night, our family lost one of our beloved pets...our dog, Gracie.

Sunday night was an ugly night. It was cold and rainy and really dark. BJ went out to feed Gracie and our other puppy, Termite and Gracie around 6 pm at their pen. Usually when it's raining, Gracie does not go very far, but she suddenly disappeared and was nowhere in sight. BJ searched for her frantically and called her while Lily and myself stayed in out of the rain hoping Gracie would return.

My mom and dad arrived at my house while BJ was riding through the neighborhood looking for Gracie. We had cooked chili and a birthday cake for my mom's birthday on Monday. As I looked at our glass doors, I saw BJ pull over and stop by the road right down from our house and then he sped back to the house..Surely not, I thought..., but our precious Gracie had been hit by a vehicle and was barely alive. I ran out to meet BJ and he told me the news. He had found Gracie but she was not well. I ran to her side and she was so pitiful..our so full of life weimeraner was weak and in so much pain..This hurt me so terrible to see her in pain.

Gracie didn't make it. There was nothing that could be done but to put her as quickly as possible out of her pain..

My heart still hurts today like it hasn't in a long, long time. Even though our dogs were outside, they were our babies, especially before we had Lily. It was just me and BJ with our dogs for 2 1/2 years. Gracie would have been 6 in March. She was so full of life such a healthy, kind, fun-loving animal. The perfect pet..She loved to run and play. Oh how she loved to swim in the ponds behind our house and chase lizards and frogs, but most of all, how she loved Termie. She and Termie were the best of friends. Gracie always thought she was as small as Termie despite her 75 pound weight difference. We would laugh at them many times as they would play chase and Gracie would roll Termie through the yard.

Gracie was BJ's pet before we got married and she came to live with us after we were married. We have so many great memories of them. My toes still curl up when I think about how it would hurt when Gracie would step on them when she was trying to get close to us to get lots of loving..She was so precious. Lily loved her so much, too. Gracie was one of her first words, and she loved to chase her..Our world will never be the same and we are so sad right now..Termie stayed in the house with us on Sunday night, and right now, she is staying at BJ's parents with their dogs. As bad as I miss her, I don't want her to mourn Gracie and want her to be healthy and happy.

I believe there is a heaven for pets, and I know that Gracie is running up there and having the best time! We love you, Gracie and will cherish all of your memories and never ever forget how you loved us! You showed us what true love and friendship is all about!

I took this picture of Gracie when she was maybe two months old. It won several awards and was even on the big Kodak sign in New York City for a day.

Our Christmas card in 2004.

Playing with Lily
One of the last pics of Gracie and one of the best I have got of her. She was beautiful.

What a fun Christmas morning!

Christmas with Lily is so much fun! This was our 3rd Christmas since Lily has been born and each one gets better and better!

We left Santa chocolate milk and cookies on Christmas Eve and read the Christmas Story before bed. On Christmas morning, after Lily finally decided to wake up at 7:30 am, (The child never sleeps this late. On the weekends, she is up begging me to play with her at 6 am.) we took her to the living room to show her what all Santa had left behind for her. She was speechless, which is rare! She first jumped in her ball pit, then she ran from toy to toy inspecting each one and quickly moving to the next. She got incredibly more that she ever needed. I got just what I asked for..an embroidery machine..more to come on this as soon as I get time to learn to use it...and hopefully BJ got just what he wanted.

We had a busy day with BJ's family for lunch and mine for supper, but all in all, it was a great Christmas day!

Here are pics from Christmas Eve and morning..

leaving cookies for Santa

look what Santa left behind..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Time is here! and almost gone :(

We had a great weekend full of Christmas festivities! I love this time of year and am already sad that it's almost over!
Lily has had the best time this year from the lights to singing her favorite Christmas carols..
Here are pics from the past week:

We went back to Christmas in the Hollow this weekend with BJ's side of the family. Lily loves it every time we go!

This pic was cute of Lily and her cousins, Hunter and erin.

We took our picture before church last night.

lily at her dance recital last monday night. She did really well. We were proud of her.

During the recital, they danced to Frosty the Snowman.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lights everywhere, "Oh my gosh!"

We had a very busy weekend. We started out by going to a local Christmas light display with my parents that happens to be at Lily's Nana's house, which is actually where she goes to daycare Wednesday through Friday. They have Santa and cute displays and we go every year as a tradition. So far, every year Lily has had her picture with Santa. This year, BJ and I had to pose in the picture with her, and she wasn't happy at all being near Santa.
Below are pictures:

Lily's nana and her husband make stockings with the kids name on them that she keeps. They also have these for their family and friends.

I loved this pic.

On Saturday, we went to Mobile to shop and visit with BJ's mom's side of the family leaving at 7:30 am. We had a good time shopping, visited with two aunts, and a pawpaw. That night we all went out to eat, then ventured to Bellingrath Gardens to view the Christmas lights there. Despite the long lines of traffic and of people, we finally made it in there. We had a good time, and Lily kept saying "Oh my gosh" when she would see lights that she liked. Needless to say, we made it home right at 11 pm and were so tired!!

Here are pictures from Bellingrath:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Time!

We have been enjoying Christmas so much already.

Lily has seen Santa twice, once just in the mall and he gave her a candy cane. The second time wasn't so good. She was horrified..she wasn't scared last year. She loves everything about Christmas and carries stuffed Santas around loving on them. She is supposed to see again this Friday, so we will see how she responds.

She is so funny singing "Frosty the Snowman" and "Jingle Bells" and she has told everyone "You better watch out."

Last week when we asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she said a bicycle and tootsie rolls.

We are going to Bellingrath Gardens to see the Lights this weekend, and are excited because Lily loves all of the lights. She is just in awe of them!

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I decorated our house for Christmas the week of Thanksgiving.

Here is Lily with her "boots." She insists on wearing our Christmas stockings as her shoes.
It's so cute.!

Our Tree, I'm quite proud of it.

Our banister in the living room.

The doorway into our dining room
Fireplace mantle

I have got to take some pics of our outside decorations. I will post these soon.

Lily's 2nd Birthday already...

Lily had her 2nd Birthday Party on November 15th and we celebrated her 2nd birthday on November 28th. I cannot believe she is already two. She has grown incredibly fast, but every day gets better and better.

Here are pictures from her "Abby Cadabby" birthday party. It was such a cold, windy day but she had a great time and got lots of presents. She indulged herself in the whole "birthday" business and took full advantage of singing Happy Birthday to herself throughout the entire month, especially on the day of her birthday.

She can now proudly tell you that she is "two."