Friday, January 30, 2009

Make-Up Artist

I let Lily put her make-up yesterday while I was drying my hair. I looked down and she was just "beautiful." She was so proud of herself. What do you think? Future Make-Up Artist?

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random Things..

There was neat idea on Facebook where everyone was posting "25 Random Things about Me" so I decided to do it and thought it would great to post on here.


1. I am 26 years old.
2. I am mommy to a precious 2 year old named Lily - who I knew was always going to be a girl from the beginning, never a doubt.
3. I prayed for God to send me a good husband and he did - he sent the best one ever. I can remember knowing there was something about BJ before I even knew him in 9th grade, just took a while to get there.
4. BJ and I will be married 5 years in July.
5. I could eat McDonald's or Missisippi Fried every day.
6. I tend to talk way too much sometimes.
7. I am a major planner and like to have details layed out way in advance.
8. I am so bad about being a push-over, maybe too nice, I guess, but its hard for me to say no.
9. I am President of Jr. Auxiliary and as busy as it is, I have enjoyed it. I like helping people, wish I could do more.
10. My whole childhood I dreamed of a career that I haven't made it to, but I'm discovering, I am just as happy right now, not quite being there.
11. Along with BJ and Lily, I love my mom, dad, and brother unconditionally. I would do anything for them and am very defensive of them.
12. I have dealt with weight issues my whole life, and don't think it will ever end.
13. I am a celebrity gossip addict. I read People throughout the day everyday. BJ picks on me because I act like I actually know them.
14. I was not sick one day while I was pregnant and I still didn't like being pregnant.
15. I still miss my puppy, Gracie, every day.
16. I love to travel and vacation.
17. We want to go on a cruise this year.
18. When our house was first for sale, as soon as I stepped out of the car, I had a strange feeling and told BJ we would live there.
19. My favorite food is Ketchup.
20. I still hate leaving Lily at the babysitter every single time.
22. I would be a stay at home mom in a second!
23. I bite my fingernails.
24. I want to be a better Christian.
25. I llive a busy life, but I am genuinely happy. Somedays, I just thank God for all he has blessed me with.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (idea courtesy of

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday once again! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week, I did not let my wonderful husband cook supper and clean up the kitchen almost every night while I spent quality time with Lily. This is something I would never do! Even if he volunteers, I would never let him! Not me!

I also did not eat something sweet after every meal, knowing that I was supposed to start a brand new diet at the beginning of the year which I am still waiting to start. Nope, not me!

I did not get in trouble with my precious daughter a couple nights ago for watching tv instead of paying attention to her. Lily never would say "Dont watch tv, mommy."
I don't like to watch those "Find the Perfect Wedding Dress" shows on TLC anyways..

And finally, yesterday, I definitely did not "play" with my new embroidery machine, while my still wonderful husband cooked lunch this time and Lily was napping. Nope! Not me!

I can't believe those thoughts would ever cross my mind..Outrageous, glad I never done those!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Don't make me cry."

Just a funny story from this afternoon...

After we picked up Lily at her Nana's, I was attempting to wrestle her to get buckled in her car seat, she is quite resistant about this at times..always wanting to ride in mine or her daddy's lap, which has never happened, but as I hold her down pulling the straps across her to buckle her, she looks up at me and threatens "Don't make me cry."

This girl is something else. I did, however, make her cry and she was not happy with me, but we did get buckled in...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A morning home alone with Lily...

Last week was a rather calm week. Not a whole of excitement...but I did think my Friday morning was "blog-worthy."

Lily's babysitter on Friday (her Nana Barbara) had a doctor's appointment, so she was not able to keep her, so we enacted a plan that almost seemed like a custody battle, but in the end worked out fine.

My mom usually works til lunch on most Fridays, so BJ and I took turns keeping Lily until 12. I got the morning shift..wake-up until 10:30..

Lily always keeps us busy and definitely entertained but Friday, we were more than ever..especially for 2 hours..

The morning started out with playing in her room..Then she decided that she could fit her 30 pound body into her baby doll stroller. Well, she fit..but it took me and her longer to get her out then it took her to get in..

Then, after that catastrophe and breakfast, guess who comes down the hall in my shoes..She's definitely just as graceful as her mom, as she walks tripping every other step. It did make for cute pics..

After several minutes of fun in the kitchen floor with Play-doh. It was snack time.
As unhealthy as it probably is, Lily absolutely loves cheese in the can and chicken in a biskit crackers..
She calls it cheesecrackers..all one word. So funny..

After I got dressed and did a quick cleanup of the disaster we had created, it was time for BJ to arrive and take over "custody." I enjoyed my morning at home..too bad, I'm not off everyday or allowed to go in at 10:30 every day, but probably best..we sure can get into a lot of trouble being home alone..

Have a great week, everyone! I will try really hard to post again this week, maybe twice!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Not me! Monday

I have started reading this great Blog called My Charming Kids and MckMama has this great idea for every Monday called Not me! Monday! It's all about things that you did not do throughout the past week. Of course, it's very sarcastic about things you actually did do but otherwise wouldn't tell a soul that you did.

I am completely new at this, but here's my try..

First of all, I did not give Lily her gumball machine for the 2nd time in one day and then did not let her eat 3-4 gumballs and swallow them! Not me! Never!

I did not ignore Lily Saturday morning at 5:35 am when she was saying "Mommy, play" and trying to wake me up. I did wait for her to fall back asleep and we got up at 7:30 am to play.

I did not do my Sunday School lesson for my class at the last minute on Saturday night. Nope! Not me!

I have got to remember more things I did not do each week because this was more fun that I thought! Have a great week everyone!

Here's the pic of the week:

Lily and myself at a local zoo for Lily's friend, KayKay's 4th birthday.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Mommy makes me so happy'

I have discovered there are moments in motherhood that you never want to forget and things that your children say that make life worthwhile.

As I was laying down with Lily to get her to sleep on Sunday night, Lily looks at me and says "Mommy makes me so happy." Then she says "I so happy." My heart just melted. I love that little girl so much.

Hope everyone is having a good week. We are doing better since our loss last week. Every day is a new day and we are moving on with lots of great memories. Lily tells everyone that Gracie is in heaven running and playing and jumping.

Here are a couple of pics as always from the weekend:

Guess who found a mudhole and jumped right in!

This is her "I'm guilty face, but please let me stay in here."
She tripped and fell in the mud so she was completely covered from head to toe. Didn't stop her though