Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What an imagination! and Hannah Montana, too!

What an imagination Lily has! She loves, loves, loves to pretend!

She has a "make-believe" sister lately. She calls her on her pretend cell phone and they talk.. They even play together. Lily told me that this sister is older and her name is Sonya. She's so funny...

Lily loves to pretend objects are babies. The other night she carried a gatorade around in Lowe's as her baby in her arms while she fed it a cardboard strip (its bottle.) She refused to answer to Lily because her name was mama. So here I am, calling Lily, mama while she feeds her gatorade a piece of cardboard..Too funny!

Lily also loves role-play. She loves for me to pretend I am the baby and she is the mama. She does a great job of it, too. I think it's interesting because I see Lily's perception of how she views me in a way. One day, we were playing and she was the mama, I the baby, and she left me at daycare and she said "mama has to go to work, cause I have to buy you things and take care of you." I'm just glad she understands why I work. It made me feel better. She also loves to be "Hannah Montana" and her daddy and I have to be other "Hannah" characters.

Speaking of Hannah, I don't think I have mentioned Lily's love of Hannah Montana or well, obsession. I have never been pro-Hannah because I didn't really love Miley Cyrus, but Lily got the movie from her nanny for Christmas and she is hooked. After watching the movies, and season 1 (we purchased it after watching the movie one too many times..), I've learned the shows aren't bad at all. Lily loves to sing and she loves how Miley puts on that wig and dresses up and becomes Hannah. She is so fascinated with her. She tells everyone that's her "Hannah Montana" and no one elses. Before Hannah, Lily was not really into tv, but she will sit down and watch tv now and she understand what happens on shows or movies. I am really amazed how smart she is and how grown up she is! Since turning 3, she really is growing into a little girl and it makes me sad, but also happy what a wonderful little girl we have!

This post has really turned into a miscellaneous post, but I cannot not mention what we are so excited about! We are going to Disney World in May and we are so excited! It's a business trip for BJ but we are going early and spending two days at the Magic Kingdom. It's going to be so much fun!

I guess that's all for now! We are excited about this weekend and our annual egg hunt! Easter is a special holiday and one of my favorites! I look forward to posting lots of egg hunt pictures!