Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lily amazes us everyday...

I don't really have anything exciting going on this week, so I thought I would write about my most exciting person in my life.

Lily just amazes us more and more every day. She is so bossy, but so sweet and loving. She is mostly spoiled, too, but it's impossible not to spoil her..

She talks and can say anything as I have already told you about before. She loves to look at animals and learn their names. I can tell her what something is one time, and two days later if i ask her what that is, she will remember. I am thinking at the same time that I am not sure I would have even remembered what someone tells me two days later..

Here's a funny story...

We recently have been trying to teach her to say the blessing at meals..the "God is great, god is good" blessing. Well, she knows to bow her head and say amen at the end. The past two nights we have had to say the blessing at least 10 times because she will bow her head and fix her hands to pray and wait on me to start up again. How can we not pray when she wants us to, lol? It's so funny but we keep blessing our food..Our supper is probably the most blessed food in our neighborhood that's for sure...

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend! We are supposed to with my parents to a nature park about an hour from our house. I hope to take lots and lots of pics!!

Below is a pic from this past weekend of Lily after a swim in the pool having a popsicle.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Been such a bad blogger lately...

I want to apologize for being forever since I posted. I always post something while I am at work, and things have been wild at work lately..just really busy all day. Things are finally slowing down here and I made a point to find time to write something new.

We haven't had a lot of exciting news. We do have a new member to our extended family..a new cousin for Lily. My sister-in-law, Amy, had her 3rd child last Friday, July 11th. Her name is Jayla Breanne and she joins Hunter, 4, and Erin, 2. This baby was somewhat of an accident, but many prayers are needed for Amy because she and her husband have their hands more than full now.

I will post a pic of Lily with her below. Lily absolutely loves baby J-lo as she calls her. She loves to kiss on her and just stare in amazement. Everyone has been saying this means she would love a younger sibling...however, I am not ready to share my time with another child right now. I would love for Lily to be a little bit older and more independent before she gets a sibling.

In other news, I got a new camera for my birthday. BJ suprised me this week with a new Sony Digital SLR A200 camera. I am really excited. I had a nice Sony camera but this one is even better. My birthday is not until July 31st but I managed to get it early. :)

I guess that's it for now. Hope you are having a good week!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July from our family to yours..