Thursday, February 26, 2009

Strike a Pose!

I admire my friend, Teresa because she can sew. I have tried a couple of times and trust me, it is nothing that anyone would want. She does the best job ever and has made Lily the cutest outfits.

Since she knows that I love to take pics, especially of Lily, she made a cute lil romper for Lily to model for her etsy site, which can be accessed here.

By the time we got home yesterday, it was getting pretty dark, but we managed to get enough pics.

I was amazed at how well Lily posed for me. Here lately, she loves putting her hands on her hips and just smiling for the camera. You know, i am loving this, but for a while there, we had a fight every time i tried to take pics and usually i just follow her around and snap a ton of shots until i get the right one. Here are a few of the pics form yesterday. Excuse the kind of dark background...(Can't wait until daylight savings time in two weeks!)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Wow! How quick a week flies by!

It's time for Not Me! Monday. I borrow this idea every week from MckMama and her wonderful blog, My Charming Kids. Check it out!

This past week was full of so many things I did not do or would never even think about doing.

On Monday, we were off work for President's Day, and I definitely did not stay until my pajamas along with BJ and Lily until 1 pm..That would have been outrageous.

I also did not spend all week already trying to find Lily an Easter dress online only to decide I may use one I have already bought. I never would spend hours searching for the perfect Easter dress. It's not like it will be so cold that she will cover the dress with a sweater anyways.

After endless hours of Play_Doh time, I did not buy Lily yet more Play-doh so that now we can spend hours and hours cutting out the ABC's and 123's..

Finally, I did not fall asleep with Lily last night way too early and completely not finish cleaning up the house. Not me!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cooking with Lily

Last night, Lily helped her daddy make a chocolate eclair' dessert for our Relay for Life bake sale at work today.

My mom got her the cutest apron at dirt cheap, so I had to take lots of pics of her.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lots of Love and Beads..

Valentine's Day is always a fun occasion. I love fixing up all of the Valentine's goodies for Lily and her daycare and dance friends.

Lily celebrated all week actually. With her dance party on Monday to her Sunday School party on Sunday. My parents came to our house on Thursday night to give Lily her Valentine from them. She was more than overjoyed to get all of her gifts. My mom goes way overboard with her gift, but I guess that's what grandparents are for.

Here is a pic of Lily with her mawmaw and Poppy.

We gave Lily her Valentine from us on Friday night. Here is a pic of her inspecting it from top to bottom. She loved especially of the candy.

(Speaking of candy, I am working on trying to change up some of Lily's eating habits. I really don't like the amount of chips and candy that she eats and she has gotten so spoiled on this, but that's my goal for this week to come up with new much healthier snacks. Let me know if you have any ideas or what you feed your children for snacks that is healthy.)

On Saturday, we went to Mobile for Mardi Gras and visiting BJ's grandpa. We went to a cute puppy parade in Fairhope, then stayed for Mardi Gras that night.

Here is Lily at the end of the parade with all of her goodies. She had a great time!

Finally, a family pic...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday (Lily's version)

I am been having a hard time thinking of embarassing things I did not do this past week, but as I am thinking I have decided to make this version of Not Me! Monday dedicated to things that Lily definitely did not do this week.

Last Monday, Lily did not eat 8 pieces of gum out of her maw-maw's purse while maw-maw was getting a haircut and didn't have her glasses on to see her. Not my princess angel. She would never eat that much gum at one time.

Later in the week, our precious angel who sleeps all night did not wake up at 4 am saying her pull-up was hurting her. Then, proceed to be changed 3 times until she was satisfied and comfortable. Not, Lily!

On Thursday night, Lily and I did not have a "candy fest" after she received her Valentine's present. Lily never eats too much candy especially never right before bedtime.

And finally, Lily did not wake up at 5 am again but this time insisting on her "Spiderman" she caught at Mardi Gras. She definitely did not talk her daddy into going outside to the car to get spiderman. Not, Lily!

Hope you have enjoyed Lily's list of things she didn't do this week!

Not Me! Monday is an idea created by McMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

As with every holiday, we tend to forgot their real meanings. Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate the wonderful gift of "love." To show love and be able to love someone is a truly a special gift from God.

I am so thankful that I have been blessed with so many people to love and that love me.

I hope that each of you has a wonderful Valentine's Day and show everyone that you love exactly how much do!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I feel so creative..

I have been seeing these cute layouts and banners, so I have been determined to figure out how to make my own.

It took me a while and a lot of practice, but I finally have created my blog a new look.

I think it looks more modern and the best part is that it is totally unique and created by me. (Well, I downloaded the digital scrapbooking kit but designed it the way I wanted my banner and background to look.

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tea, anyone?

Last night at Lily's dance class, they had a Valentine's Tea Party. It was so cute. All of the girls including their teacher and her assistant dressed up in princess dresses, got their make-up done, did two dances and then had the cutest tea party. Mrs. Juna had little tables fixed up for them and she provided snacks and the girls swapped their Valentine's. It was precious.

Here are pics! Enjoy!

Getting her makeup done by her teacher...

The princess.

Attempting a group shot...

Dancing to a priness song..

Tea party time..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Multi-Tasking Daddy

It's been a busy, busy week here. So many things going on...

Thought this picture from over the weekend was cute..Just proves my hubbie is good at multi-tasking..

Who says you can't hold and swing your daughter while talking on your cell phone? That's why I married him, lol, not really but it helps..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday for this week! As I told everyone last week, this blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Now, let's see what I would never do..

My husband got "vacation fever." Well, I would never let him sign us up for a cruise in the fall without endless hours of research and itinerary planning by yours truly. I am not the slightest bit a control-freak/plan every detail kind of person, so this will not cause me to go into distress worrying about all of the small details that he probably never asked about.

Looks like we will be sailing in September!

Moving on, I did not get Lily's Valentine's pictures done before the month of February. That would be miraculous! I also did not go out and search for the perfect Valentine's Day shirt, and then did not get her all dressed up so cute to completely not even be able to see her outfit in the those perfect pictures! Not all of that trouble! Not me!

Last of all, I did not follow Lily's every step outside this weekend constantly snapping pictures because I was so excited about the beautiful weather.

Oops, guess here's proof.

Please, please leave comments to me. I know that people are reading my blog, but I never comments. Do you know how happy a comment makes me?