Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - the many expressions of Miss Lily

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's Not the Flu!

I looked at my blog today and realized I haven't blogged in a week.

Wow! It's been busy. Work has been really, really hectic and Lily has been sick since Sunday. She had a fever during Sunday School and we left church and she was better on and off. She did tell me that she had a headache and then she started coughing and sneezing with a runny nose. Her fever would come and go but it got to 101 during the night on Monday.

On Monday though, I found out that two of the babies at Lily's daycare had the flu. This sent me into panic mode. Lily had a lot of the symptoms, so we went to the pediatrician yesterday morning and she tested negative for the flu. She just has a bad cold. She stayed with my mom on Monday and Tuesday and I am off work today at home with home and she has been asleep for almost 3 hours on a early nap so I'm hoping she is sleeping some of it off.

With all of this going on, my step-grandpa also passed away last night. My grandma, who passed away over 6 years ago, was married to him for my whole life. He was 84 and had been very sick with Parkinson's and several other serious things. He had been so sad since my grandma passed away and he didn't move a thing in their house. He was very dependent on her and they were close. We saw him often throughout the week because he would drive to town (10 minutes from his house) to eat lunch and we saw him quite a lot on our lunch breaks. Every time I would see him though, I had intense sadness for his loneliness. I hope that he and my grandma have reunited in Heaven. We weren't close as some grandparents but he has been a part of my life since I was born and we will definitely miss him.

After saying all of this, I guess you can see why I haven't posted. I also have beach pictures from an improptu beach trip to Gulf Shores last weekend that I honestly have uploaded but not even viewed. How sad!

I will try to post those pics very soon! Please pray for my family as we go through the upcoming funeral and pray for Lily to feel better!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We took Lily on her first bowling trip this past Saturday. We went to a smaller, older bowling alley but it turned out good because it wasn't busy at all.

BJ's mom, and two sisters and their families came along with us, too. BJ's sister Amy only had one of her three kids so we rented Lily and Erin (5 months apart, Lily's younger) their own lane. The bowling alley gave them really light balls and they laughed and cheered and we all mostly enjoyed watching them.

Lily thought it was the greatest thing to watch that ball roll down the lane.

Here are pictures that prove our good time!

Lily and Erin picking out their balls.

Lily was giving Erin a pep talk. She talks to her like Erin is a baby, and actually Lily is younger.

High 5! Lily and her daddy excited about her bowling. She did a good job!
They were watching Erin's bowl roll down the gutter.

Lily and her other cousin Amber celebrating!
Of course, we did find time to pose.

BJ grabbing Lily from using someone else's lane.

At the end of the night, they were give out and hot. I guess maybe low budget bowling alleys don't run their ac as much as needed cause we were all pretty hot.
It was too much fun!

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Baby in Blue

It's been a busy but full of not a whole lot of excitement kind of week.

I am looking forward to the weekend, hopefully to get caught up on some things and stay around the house and enjoy time with BJ and Lily.

Here are a few pics from last weekend. My mom and dad bought Lily this "Hee-Haw" dress in Pigeon Forge, TN at the Lid'l Dolly's store and BJ picks on me when I put Lily in it and says it such a country "Hee-haw" dress.

It did make for some cute pics though! Enjoy :)

Monday, August 3, 2009


Guess who has perfected her potty-training skills and wears her big girl panties all of the time (well, except naps and night time)!!!!!!!


I have been so excited for the past couple of weeks. Lily finally decided she was ready to use the potty. We had been trying to potty train since before she turned two, but she was just too stubborn and not ready for it.

She finally made up her mind and there's been no going back. It was so much easier than I thought it would be, since I had basically given up.

It's so easy at home for her and no more diaper changes. We are definitely running in public though. She keeps me running to the potty on shopping trips, but I'm not complaining.

For anyone working on this process, I had to just wait until lily was ready. There was no forcing her to go. I am still amazed at everyone that gets their babies trained before they are two.

In other news, I celebrated my 27th birthday last Friday. It was a great day. I got so many emails and messages from friends wishing me a happy birthday and I also got lots of great gifts. A Fossil watch from my sweet co-workers, gift card from my parents, money from my in-laws, and a gift certificate for a pedicure from BJ and Lily. I have never had one and I think I will love it. I'm so excited about it and have a feeling that Bj is going to be in trouble when I want to go more often.

Here is a pic of me and Lily on the morning of my birthday.

Have a great week everyone!