Monday, January 25, 2010

Our Forever Princess!

My boss' son always picks with me about Lily and says, "what will she do when she finds out she's not a real princess?"

We always laugh about this question because Lily is treated like a Princess and probably does think she is a Princess. She loves to dress up like one, and the funniest thing is she calls headbands - "Crowns."

I saw these books in our local Christian bookstore and I got to thinking about this one day, and you know what, Lily will never find out she's not a Princess because she is a REAL princess. She is the daughter of the greatest King of all.

Isn't that the greatest gift ever? I can't wait to buy Lily some of these books and teach Lily more about being a child of Christ.

Speaking of our Princess, this is how her daddy dressed her after her bath for supper the other night. "A true Princess must wear her crown at all times"


Friday, January 22, 2010

Jump! for your love!

Lily got her much requested "jump" from Santa this past year, and she is loving it. It was finally warmer weather so we were able to get outside this past week, and do some jumping!

Mommy is definitely feeling her age and Lily is so full of energy. She could jump for hours and never get tired. I am excited to finally her a "jump." I never had one as a child mostly because I was so clumsy and they didn't come with huge nets back, but we are really enjoying it if the weather will cooperate with us.

Here are some pics from our jumping adventure.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What? No Pictures?

My last couple of posts have been missing something very important! Pictures of Lily!

I have been taking pics, but forgetting to upload them, so here are some to catch you up on our growing girl!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our girl of many questions

Since turning three, Lily has became more mature and very inquisitive lately. She wants to know "why" about everything, and we better have a good explanation because she has questions about our explanation. Here are couple of examples of the good questions we have been asked by our smart girl:

While she and I were watching TLC one night, she asks..

"Mommy, what's wrong with that lady?"

"She's going to have a baby."

"Mommy, how does that baby come out?"

Mommy thinks for what seemed like forever, because mommy didn't realize it was time for this question and hadn't prepared a proper answer and responds,

"at the hospital, the doctors help the mommy get the baby out and a stork bring the baby to the mommy" - HA! Definitely not the best answer, but I've been thinking about what to say next time she asks and hoping we can revise this. (What have you told your kids about this?)

Next question...while eating at a local restaurant..

"Daddy, why is that man in that chair with wheels?" (loudly)

"Shhh, Lily! Don't talk to loud." "He hurt his legs."

"What's wrong with his legs, daddy?"

"He hurt them and can't walk so he has to be pushed around in that chair like we push you in your stroller"

She thinks for a while and seems to accept this answer...

While at church during the sermon one day a couple of weeks ago, Lily decided not to go to children's church..referring to the preacher, Lily asks me,

"Mommy, is he mad at us? " (loudly)

"Shh, Lily, whisper.."

"He's yellings at us, mommy"

"No, he's not mad, he's just talking loud so we all can hear."

a few minutes later..

"mommy, why does he keep talking about Jesus?"

"because he's supposed to tell us about Jesus, Lily"

There's many more where that came from, and I'm loving every minute but also learning I need to be much more prepared for these questions because they aren't getting easier and I know my answers are going to stick in her head so I don't want them to sound crazy.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Me! Monday - It's been a while!

As I was reading, MckMama's "Not Me! Monday" post this morning, I realized it's been quite a while since I done one myself.

I figure it's about time I remind myself of the things I would never ever do!

The past week was a challenging one for me and BJ. We started our new diet plan, attempting to follow Weight Watchers. Five pounds later, I am trying to be more motived this week after a successful week last week. I did so great all week with no candy or sweets, but this weekend, being at home, stuck inside from the frigid cold temps, I would never sneak in a couple of flavored Tootsie Rolls in, and not count them in my points. That's totally against the rules!

We were so lazy this weekend..and I would never admit that I am starting to get used to it and I'm afraid I'm getting spoiled. This is not good, because it definitely won't be cold for too much longer, then it's time to get outside and work on our yard.

Speaking of being lazy, Lily didn't feel good this weekend. Poor baby is sick with a cough and cold. She and I would never stay in our "jammies" until 1 pm on Saturday, and I would never watch the Hannah Montana movie twice with her on Saturday. I'm not sure why she has suddenly discovered a love for movies, but she loves them lately.

I could go on and on, but I better not reveal all of those things I would never do. I hope everyone has a great week. I'm already working on a post for tomorrow about Lily's new in-depth questions she's been asking lately.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Chilly nights..

Just finally got my Christmas look off of here and now trying out something new! Hope you like it and hope it looks ok, since yours truly designed it..It's probably upside down or something, hehe..

The year so far for us is going great. I am still feeling yucky some days with my sinus problems, but it's ok. It is really cold here right now...It's been a colder week than we have had in over 10 years. Tonight's low is in the low teens so it's gonna be chilly. All of my plants even though covered and protected are freezing and we are just not used to this in the deep South. We are used to lows in the 30's at the most.

Next week is looking warmer and I'm already planning for Springtime and Easter. It's gonna be a great year.

(Oh, and I started a diet this week. So far so good, haven't weighed yet but tomorrow is my big day so pray for me. It's really hard!)

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Whole New Year!

Happy New Year! I am excited about 2010.

My family and I were blessed in 2009. We had a great year. We did have some sad things and disappointments, but most of all, we are healthy and have everything that we could ever need. God has blessed us, and in 2010, I want to be closer to Him, most of all.

I have my resolutions, as usual, the main one being to eat healthier and exercise. I really need to focus on this. We stay so busy running that we eat quickly and I eat quickly and sometimes whatever is easiest. I am definitely a person that easily gains weight. I can look at a cookie and gain two pounds, lol..I want to stick to this, this year..

I also want to be a better wife and mother. By doing this, I want to try and be more slow paced. A couple of things that have kept me busy in the past are coming to end, so I want to devote more time to church and my family.

I pray that 2010 is year full of changes for us, all for the better.

May all of your resolutions come true this year!