Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm back again...

I had some extra time today at work, which is very rare lately, so I thought I would write a little something.

The biggest news in our family is that Lily no longer has a pacifier. This feels like such an accomplishment for us! We actually weren't planning on taking it away from her because she was very, very attached to it, but last Tuesday, she had lost all of them but one which was worn out and should have been thrown away, but she just kind of forgot about it. I'm not sure if she decided it wasn't doing her any good or what exactly, but she took her naps on Tuesday without it and at bedtime, she asked for it once or twice, but went to sleep without it. We almost had a setback on Thursday and Friday nights. I think she is getting some two year old teeth, so she was really whiney and asking for it some, but we made it through without it, and so far this week, she may have asked once.

I am so proud of her, and really surprised at how easily we were able to get her off of it! Since she hasn't been getting it, we have found "pacies" throughout the house hidden under beds, out in the yard, etc.. It's been funny when we would find them and trying to hide them from her.

In other news, I know I am ready for fall. Our yard really needs some spunk, and I cannot wait to plant pansies, mums, and all of that fun stuff. I love buildin fall displays.

I will try to post more often. Hope everyone is doing good.

As always, here's a pic of Lily!