Thursday, August 5, 2010

No excuses...

Yep, it's been eternity since i posted..but I'm making no excuses this time, I'm just going to go right to blogging.

First up, is a Lily update. She thinks she's grown! She is such fun! We have had a great summer!

Most of this is for my own records, so just ignore some of it, but we went to her first movie in a theater - Toy Story 3 back in June and she loved it! She's all about Toy Story these days!

Jessie is her favorite!

She's also all about pageants. I finally gave up and ordered her a dress, and we are planning her "big girl" pageant debut, maybe in September.

She loves to play pageant and I have to "Present" her to the group. When asking her, her favorites, she reported the following:

Favorite Food: Tacos

TV Show: Toddlers and Tiaras

Movie: Shrek

Animal: Elephant

What she wants to be when she grows up: A woman so she can shop, Haha!

Her new favorite "pretend" game is to shop in her room. She gets her cash register and we have to shop and she "rings" her up. Too fun!

I love the whole pretend stage and never stop her from pretending. It's so hard to think she's going to be 4 in November, but time is something I can't stop so I just enjoy every day.

Here are a few pics from our beach trip in early July.

I'm excited about my next post. - I went to my 10 year High School reunion last week and I can't wait to post pics!


Kelley said...

Hey Girl! Lily is just growing up so fast. Glad you guys had a great summer.