Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We have had Lily's kittens since November...one a bit longer than the other (we had to do a quick replacement with the black one after a fatal accident.)

Until a couple of weeks ago, Lily's "kits" as she calls them, they ran from her and did not like her at all...but now, her "kits" have turned over a new leaf.

"Gray-baby" and "Blacky" have fell in love with their "mama," especially "Gray-baby."

Lily would always chase them and they would run and hide from her. She would get so upset because she couldn't catch them, but now, things have changed and she is loving it.

They let her carry them around now and she doesn't have to chase them. She has even loaded "Gray" in her baby stroller and rolled her around. Gray also loves to snuggle with her on the couch and her bean bag. Neither kitten stays inside but we let them inside for a little while every evening when we get home so Lily can play with them since its usually dark and chilly outside.

I am so not a cat person, but I am loving that they love Lily because she is completely in love with them. I just pray that they stay safe and healthy so she can have a long friendship with her "kits."

Seems I am always apologizing for not posting on here, but wow! what a February, it was and March has started out busy too. Between being short at work (Shannon had a beautiful baby girl and will be back in a couple of months), Relay for Life, 10 year class reunion, Junior Auxiliary and not too mention a busy 3 year old with a dance recital coming up, and all of her activities, and wanting to just have family time at night... unfortunately my blog has been suffering..but maybe not for long.
I promise to do better..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day

We have snow! Lots of snow! More than I can barely remember us ever getting in southern Mississippi and we are more than loving it. As long as we have power, it's lots of fun to play and Lily has been having the best time..making snowmen, having snowball fights and just rolling in the snow...I'm sure we will be ready for it to move on in a couple of days but for now, it's nice and we are loving it...

Click on the pics to make bigger


Friday, February 5, 2010

Is your Marriage Fireproof?

We finally sat down last week, and watched the movie, Fireproof. Ok, yeah, I admit we are really, really behind on watching movies, but Lily is a very attention-demanding child and we like it that way so usually all of our spare time is spent playing with her. She is just getting to like to watch tv, a good thing and a bad thing, really.., but back to Fireproof.

I knew it was going to be a good movie, and I guess I had been putting it off because I knew I was probably going to see parts of myself in it.

I really enjoyed it and it made me so emotional. I definitely saw plenty of myself. BJ and I are very happily married, don't get me wrong at all, but we are not perfect.

I tend to not say thank-you enough or let him know how much I appreciate the things he does for us. He is a great husband and sometimes, I tend to be the normal wife and nag him or complain about things, and he rarely, rarely ever does this to me.

We are both Christians and that helps us through a lot of times. I think that this helps us daily in our marriage to be stronger.

Watching this movie helped me to realize how blessed I am that I have him, and it re-affirmed the fact that we are in this til death do us part and maybe sometimes I do need to show him more how special he is. We only have one life to live and we need to make this one special.

I definitely recommend watching it (if you haven't already, since we are so behind) with your spouse or significant other and taking more time for each other.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend. :)